Topic Wise Words

Topic Personality:: PAGE #34

:: The nervous and nervy man couldnt believe that life was treating him so badly:: They would sit at the bottom of the stands with their wares sitting in a nest of ice chipped from a big block answering requests from the fans above them:: I like the creeps and weirdos on public transport:: There have been serious accidents in both countries military installations and nuclear facilities including scores of aircraft crashes fires and adventurist actions by commanders:: Does household cleaning give you headaches nausea dizzy spells or sign irritations:: We were about to ask for a table for dinner but furious at being treated so rudely we just walked out:: Casey snapped out of her little daydream and answered in a fluster :: A flutter of black wings and it was gone from its perch of observation:: The jury remains out on whether the ponderous Blanc can replace the discarded Jaap Stam and the champions have leaked seven goals in the four games he has played:: His motive for hoaxing the world was clearly not financial for he turned down opportunities of making a vast fortune from his story:: They smiled warmly at each other and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks:: I have the suspicion that all their albums sound exactly the same though and that all of the songs are really the same minorkey psuedotuneful bluster :: She walked out of the ruin into the brisk breeze outside:: I havent shaved for the day so short bristles of my beard pepper my chin:: Renny was still in sore shape from the gunshot wounds and broken ribs but he was now out of danger:: The civilservice strikers may indeed draw attention to their employment conditions but only at the expense of antagonising the people they are supposed to serve because they are extremely unlikely to change the governments plans:: fan vaults roof these magnificent buildings:: I myself visited a striptease establishment in the early 1970s and found the experience detumescent and soporific rather than conducive to licentious behaviour:: She reached up and gave him a short lick on the cheek:: There was a look of genuine fear in his eyes unsure as to whether or not she was real:: For example over the past two decades I was excessively fearful of inflation:: Their sound is mellow and gentle mood music with a twist of soul and a dash of funk:: The lighting also adds to the stage show feel with scorching searchlights and moody spots used to great effect for the real deep blues numbers:: It is difficult for women to retaliate in public without creating a scene and inviting stares when something like this happens:: He had been defeated once too often and his resources of courage were almost exhausted:: As he approached the scene the courageous cop realised the girl had not seen him and decided to act fast:: Why scratch your left ear with your right hand:: Eursoc warns us that the EU will employ telemarketers to get us to vote I pity them for the earfuls they will get:: One may verify and seek to replicate a published result another may exploit the reported methods materials and results in order to further proprietary research
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